Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When I first learned of this assignment, I figured that since I have no ides what pod casting is, I would look up the definition and see if I could get any help. After reading the definition on Wikipedia, I realized that I still have no idea on what pod casting is all about. I guess that I have used a form of pod casting when I have used the application iTunes to download music and YouTube to download videos (although I'm not positive that this is pod casting). That being said, I think that I want to learn what pod casting is all about,  how one goes about using it and how one can incorporate it into the classroom. 
The advantages that I can see by using pod casting are that  a student can work on a particular assignment on his/her free time whether it be at home or at school. Another one, could be that others can see a student's work and can offer any help and/or suggestions about the topic. Some drawbacks might include the fact that not everyone may have his/her own computer limiting their options on doing the work. Another one may involve a student's understanding of an assignment. If a student is having a problem with their assignment, where can they turn for help if they are on their own time. 
Like I stated above, I'm not sure on all the aspects of pod casting but I am willing to give it a try. My hopes are that I can understand the concepts and be able to someday put this knowledge into use in a classroom situation.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca,

    Thanks for having an open mind. I think we will all be learning together. :)
